A beautiful fireplace can be the center of almost any room, and now more than ever, people are turning to electric plug in fireplace options to truly transform their rooms. It’s easy to see why, too. 

With many luxury options available today that help combine modern technology with classic beauty, the best electric fireplaces today offer a distinctive look along with the atmosphere you want to create in your space. You can even select more realistic log sets like a birch log fireplace insert to complement your desired style. 

As you shop, however, you may realize there are a number of different options. Understanding what might work best for your space is easily the best way to identify the option your home needs. 

Wall Mounted Electric Fireplaces

If you have a modern, sleek space, this may be the best option for you. These are easy to hang on the wall or add to a built-in unit. They plug into a standard 110 volt outlet, and they usually come with a fairly small heater should you choose to use it. Often you can use this choice year round without the heater simply to enhance the beauty of your space. Available in a number of different sizes, they come with several feature options like backlit LEDs to help set the mood, remote control operations, and a number of different color choices. 

Electric Fireplace Inserts

If you already have a fireplace in the room, you may want to go with this option. They come in a few different looks like a birch log fireplace insert, and they’re an economical alternative to switching to a gas fireplace. More than that, though, they’re far less messy than a wood fireplace. As with the other choices, they plug into a standard outlet, and most come with some heating capabilities. There are even optional trim kits in most units to help create seamless integration.

Built In Electric Fireplaces

These are a perfect choice if you’re looking for something fairly traditional. They feature low profile mounting and seamless integration into existing spaces. They’re perfect if you're renovating an older space, as they typically only require standard framing to help accommodate the firebox. As with the wall mounted units, you’ll only need a standard outlet to plug this fireplace in. Most include a heater that you can choose to use with the fireplace, and in some cases, it vents through the face of the fireplace to help build that realistic feel every time you “light the fire.”

The Power of an Electric Fireplace

Why choose an electric fireplace? If you’re thinking of the electric options in the past, you’re simply not thinking about this market today. The style has developed extensively, and today, the design options and technology that goes into these fireplaces is simply stunning. They’re convenient, modern, and accommodating to your space whether you’re building something new or remodeling an older property. Maybe most importantly, however, is that they’re safe. There are thousands of chimney fires each year, and that just doesn’t happen with an electric fireplace of any type. No real wood is used, so you don’t have to worry about maintenance or the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. They can also help protect your indoor air quality because they don’t actually burn anything, which may protect you from health hazards over time. Additionally, you won’t experience the environmental impact you might have with a gas or wood burning fireplace because you’re not contributing to the pollution rate in your area. Instead, you're using cleaner, more efficient electric energy.

The Dimplex Difference

As you search for the ideal electric fireplace to meet your needs, consider Dimplex. The market leader in electric fireplace technology, our Revillusion technology means you get the realistic look you want without the problems of a traditional gas or wood burning unit. Available in every style imaginable, you can choose from options like a birch log fireplace insert to fit with your existing fireplace or an electric plug in fireplace with a mantel to enhance a space that didn’t previously have a spot for a warm fire. At Dimplex, we’re revolutionizing the concept of having a fireplace in your home. Take a closer look at what we have to offer now.